How to invest money (How to become an investor)? |
To invest money in the first Index Fund - Basic Index Capital, Corp. (to become an investor) is possible only by buying its ordinary registered shares.
The shares may be bought either from any of the existing shareholders of Basic Index Capital, Corp., or during their primary placing after the next issue registration with the Federal Securities Commission of the Russian Federation.
If you wish to acquire the shares of Basic Index Capital, Corp. at the secondary market, you can do so independently, by turning to any of the shareholders (for example, those stated in the list),
or sending an application to the address of the Managers
indicating all principal desirable parameters of the transaction. The Managers will transfer your application to the address of the shareholders interested in the sale of their shares. If the shares are acquired in this way, their price will result from the negotiations between you and the selling shareholder. To facilitate the finding out of true prices the Managers shall daily publish indicative information cost indexes of the shares. You can request these data from the Managers at any moment for any period of time.
Please note: The publication of information quotations shall not mean a proposal to effect transactions for the indicated prices. The Managers do not sell, buy or organize circulation of the shares of Basic Index Capital, Corp.
If it is impossible to gain shares in the secondary market (at the moment there are no shareholders wishing to sell their shares), or the price of the proposal does not suit you, you can take part in the next primary placing.
The strategy of the development of Basic Index Capital, Corp. presupposes the placing of new issues every six months. The concept of the index fund provides for the issue of only ordinary registered shares with the identical face value and same rights for all holders of the shares of different issues. No other securities are planned to be issued. The nearest issues will be of a closed character, that is the shares will be placed among a limited circle of persons stating their desire to acquire the shares in advance. If you want to get the shares in this way, please send your preliminary application to the address of the Managers on thein accordance with the form provided for individuals or legal entities, correspondingly. The preliminary application shall serve only for information purposes and shall not be treated as your unconditional obligation to buy the shares. You will be free to recall it at any moment of time, or refuse it at the moment of establishing the definitive parameters of issue.
A major parameter of the application is the premium - percentage value you are ready to pay above the price of the newly issued shares. The premium is similar to the commission for the benefit of Basic Index Capital, Corp. For example, if on thein accordance with the issue parameters the weighted-mean price of one share after its placing, calculated on thein accordance with the Rules,
amounts to 1 ruble, a premium of 5 % will mean that you are ready to buy the shares at the price of 1 ruble 5 kopecks. The value of each next issue is limited by the strategic plan parameters, therefore in the issue there will participate the applications with the maximum amount of the premium. The nominal (scheduled) amount of the premium shall constitute 5 %.
Please note: The whole premium received from placing the shares of a new issue shall go directly to Basic Index Capital, Corp. and become the property of its shareholders, increasing the value of the shares.
To lower the circulation costs of the shares and raise their profitability at present the minimum sum of investments from one person within the framework of primary placing is limited to 50,000 (fifty thousand) US dollars. In future, with the increase of the liquidity of the market for the Basic Index Capital, Corp. shares this amount will be reduced, which will be additionally declared.
If you wish to invest an amount greater than 1,000,000 (one million) US dollars, please send an application to the address of the Managers in a free form. You will be offered special conditions and schemes permitting to invest the assets in a more convenient mode.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that at present (before the shares are introduced to the stock exchange) the liquidity of the Basic Index Capital, Corp. shares is limited by the over-the-counter market. The shares are planned to be entered onto the stock exchange within two years. Before that time the possibility of selling the shares is not guaranteed; therefore, investing money, please proceed from the temporary horizon indicated.
Before sending your application, for making the relevant decisions, we recommend that you should clear up with the Managers all problems you are interested in. You may send any questions either personally or anonymously. However, if you give more information on yourself and the sphere of your interests, the answers and proposals will be more targeted and informative. In any case, we shall be glad to answer all of them at any moment. |
Sample Application
for acquiring the shares
of Basic Index Capital, Corp.
for individuals |
I, _________________________________________________(surname, name, patronymic),
acting for and on my own behalf (or by proxy for and on behalf of ________________________________)
hereby declare my readiness to acquire ordinary registered shares of Basic Index Capital, Corp. of the issue following the date of application, for the amount of ___________________________(__________________________________________) rubles
with the premium of _____________(______________) per cent from the cost of the share calculated on thein accordance with the Rules of calculating the price characteristics.
The present application is a preliminary offer and does not serve as an unconditional obligation to purchase the said shares.
Official information on the offeror: Certifying document:
Coordinates for official contacts: telephone, fax, mail address, e-mail.
Sample Application
for acquiring the shares
of Basic Index Capital, Corp.
for legal entities |
I, ________________________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic), _________________________________(position)_____________________________________ (name of the legal entity)
acting on the basis of _________________________________________________ for and on behalf of ____________________________(name of the company) (or by proxy for and on behalf of ________________________________) hereby declare my readiness to acquire ordinary registered shares of Basic Index Capital, Corp. of the issue following the date of application, for the amount of ________________________(________________________) rubles with the premium of _______________(____________________) per cent
from the cost of the share calculated in accordance with the Rules of calculating the price characteristics.
The present application is a preliminary offer and does not serve as an unconditional obligation to purchase the said shares.
Requisites of all companies mentioned above, letters of proxy.
Coordinates for official contacts: surname, name, patronymic and position of the contact person, telephone, fax, mail address.
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